Leading hArtfully October 1, 2020 | 0 Comment

Most leadership development books teach you “how to lead,” but that’s not enough. In my new book, Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others, we get to the heart – and the art – of a new kind of leadership.

Leading hArtfully is an invitation to bring your best self forward to discover and leverage the best in others. Getting to the heart and art of leading, finding your flow, elevating the eloquence and grace within you, and connecting — at the heart level — with each individual is an experience not to be missed. It holds the possibility of a most magnificent journey of leading others.

I invite you to listen to my best Carrie Bradshaw impression as I read you an excerpt from the book and then head to the books section of this site to learn more.


diane_green1smallABOUT THE AUTHOR
Diane Rogers is a facilitative, leader with a collaborative approach inspiring individuals and organizations to raise the bar toward the Achievement of New Potentials, together. She has a diverse background, with a history of demonstrated leadership positions across multiple industries, including healthcare, software IT, aerospace and nuclear power. Diane can think big and put the details in place to design effective action plans building trust and respect along the way. With her unquenchable energy, she tenaciously engages stakeholders to join the improvement journey and, along the way, cheerfully nudging the players, bringing them to the same page, to move beyond their potential.